Thursday, December 15, 2011

More Investment in Your Small Business

Small business owners must invest in the businesses they create. This investment may take many forms. It may include cash infusions or simply the way you treat employees. How do you invest in your small business? Our small business roundup has more.


Give your business a cash infusion. There are a lot of ways to shore up your budget, but some of these may not have occurred to you. While you may not be able to implement all of these tactics, many businesses can use one or two of these helpful approaches to finding more funds. Open Forum

Employees are an investment. As a small business owner, you put time and money into their training and hope it returns in the form of greater productivity. But do you have policies in place for a very common problem in the modern workplace?substance abuse? See some good reasons why it?s vital to have substance abuse policies, not just to cover your potential liability, but to salvage good workers who may have just hit a bump in the road. The Frugal Entrepreneur


Customer service matters?really. All businesses get a bad review from time to time, bud did you know that most often it?s the customer service (or lack thereof) that plays the largest role in whether your patron gives you the thumbs-up or the ultimate online thrashing? See what bad reviews have in common and why customer service may be even more important than you think.

Do we dare to hope? Over the last few months various authoritative sources have weighed in on the economy, citing positive signs and increased optimism, but, with hiring alternating from up to down, it?s hard to figure if the optimism is justified. Hear what the president and co-founder of SurePayroll predicts for how long small business recovery will take.


Take the road less traveled without paying a toll. Making innovations in your small business doesn?t have to be a huge financial commitment, and even small changes can have a positive, significant effect on your bottom line. Often these new changes just take the time, thought, and the ability to imagine your best case scenario. How can you develop a better way to deliver value to your customers? Bloomberg Businessweek

Facebook and Twitter and Google+, Oh MY! They?re not lions, tigers, or bears, but knowing the ins and outs of the big three social media giants can be just as intimidating. Which one is better for branding your small business? Well, most authorities say it?s a combination of the three, but here you can see the unique facilities of each, to better select the social media plan that best suits your branding goals. Web Success Team


Putting the ?social? in social media. That?s what Twitter?s recent changes aim to do, with new names for exchanges, social interactions and more. But as with everything new, hardcore fans of the site may not be on board just yet. Here?s a basic explanation of some new features so that even die-hards can update their approach to using the medium and not have a Twitter-fit every time something changes. GetBusy Media

?The fluffy bunny that everyone wants to pet?. David Siteman Garland may have coined the phrase when referring to the phenomenon of ?Search?, but here Jackie Purnell penetrates the percentages to show you just how many people are out there looking for products and services, what it means for small businesses, and how you can lasso that market share and ride it into the sunset. Respectfully Disobedient


Living in a world of confusion? If your audience or customers are doing this, then maybe it?s time to increase your efforts at being consistent in your small business. To do this, a meticulous approach?is called for, leaving no detail unaddressed. But never fear! Here are some pointers to show you all the right ways to dot your i?s and cross your t?s so that your small business can reach out with clarity and a consistent message. Angel Business Advisors

Don?t have a nervous breakdown over your business! Is your small business taking over? Are you a prisoner of the company you created to give yourself more freedom? Are you finding the lifestyle of an entrepreneur to be one of constant work with no end in sight? ?If so, then this is the video for you! David Siteman Garland shares his own personal story about the dangers of allowing your small business to dominate your life and the strategies you can use to take back control. The Rise to the Top


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