Friday, August 31, 2012

Thailand rattled by coordinated attacks

Militants in Thailand's Muslim-majority south carried out a wave of coordinated attacks Friday, wounding several soldiers and hoisting the Malaysian flag across the restive region, officials said.

August 31 marks Malaysia's independence from British rule and commemorates the founding of Bersatu -- the umbrella organisation for militants in Thailand's southernmost provinces believed to want greater autonomy.

Three military rangers and two marines were wounded in bomb blasts, an army spokesman said, adding that more than one hundred "symbolic attacks" took place across the southern provinces of Songkhla, Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat.

"There were altogether 124 symbolic attacks such as planting small bombs, burning tyres or the Thai national flag and planting fake bombs," Major General Prawut Thavornsiri, deputy national police chief told AFP.

"Insurgents hoisted or tied the national flag of our neighbours and our officials have collected them," he said.

Deputy prime minister Yutthasak Sasiprpa said the attacks were a publicity stunt to mark the founding day of Bersatu 23 years ago, adding the militants intended "to show they are still active".

A complex insurgency, without clearly stated aims, has plagued Thailand's far south near the border with Malaysia since 2004, claiming thousands of lives, both Buddhist and Muslim, with near-daily bomb or gun attacks.

Analysts say they have become increasingly well organised and Friday's attacks show a sophisticated ability to co-ordinate actions across the southern region.

It is unclear why the insurgents chose to hoist Malaysian flags, although many of their senior leaders are rumoured to live across the Thai border.

Yutthasak said he had asked the Thai foreign ministry to speak to Malaysia about the incident amid fears the militants may be trying to trigger tensions between the two countries.


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Discovery may help protect crops from stressors

Discovery may help protect crops from stressors [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-Aug-2012
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Contact: Andy Hoang
Salk Institute

Salk findings of a key genetic mechanism in plant hormone signaling may help save crops from stress and help address human hunger

LA JOLLA, CA----Scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies have discovered a key genetic switch by which plants control their response to ethylene gas, a natural plant hormone best known for its ability to ripen fruit, but which, under stress conditions, can cause wilted leaves, premature aging and spoilage from over-ripening. The findings, published August 30 in Science magazine, may hold the key to manipulating plants' ethylene on/off switch, allowing them to balance between drought resistance and growth and, therefore, decrease crop losses from drought conditions.

"In different stress conditions----flooding, drought, chilling, wounding or pathogen attack----ethylene tells plants to make adjustments to these adverse changes," says senior study author Joseph Ecker, a professor in Salk's Plant Biology Laboratory and Howard Hughes Medical Institute-Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation investigator. "Our study discovered a key step in how plants 'smell' ethylene gas, which may lead to better ways to control these processes in crop plants."

Plants sense----or smell----ethylene, which triggers a cascade of events in their cells. Ethylene sensors in the cells send a signal to the nucleus, the cells' central DNA-containing compartment, which initiates genetic programs so the plant can make changes according to the conditions it faces. Scientists, including Ecker and his team, have identified the functions of a number of key regulators in the ethylene signaling pathway, including the protein EIN2 (ethylene insensitive 2).

The EIN2 protein is located in the endoplasmic reticulum, the part of the cell that facilitates the transport of proteins within the cell, and plays an essential role in ethylene signaling. The protein's function, however, remains enigmatic. Through a variety of sophisticated tests, Ecker's team uncovered a mechanism by which EIN2 protein processing in the endoplasmic reticulum and movement of signaling molecules into the nucleus are required to activate the ethylene response.

Understanding the mechanism may lead to new methods to help plants thrive in tough conditions. Stress conditions trigger various negative responses in plants, including wilted and rolled leaves, premature leaf senescence (aging), reduced photosynthetic efficiency, loss of chlorophyll, poor pollination, and flower, fruit and seed loss.

The most severe drought in 25 years is impacting crops across the United States, with the potential to wipe out farmers' incomes and raise food prices. Plant researchers are studying stress conditions in order to improve crop production, which has become more urgent as farmers around the world face climate issues such as drought and extreme temperatures. Curbing crops' susceptibility to certain stressors could allow for higher yields during droughts and possibly allow drier climates to support profitable crops and feed the world's growing population.

"Growers can opt to spray their plants with an ethylene inhibitor," says Hong Qiao, a postdoctoral researcher in Ecker's laboratory and first author of the paper. "This blocks the plant's ethylene receptors from smelling ethylene, which has an effect on growth. Without the ethylene response pathway, a tomato would never ripen. Too much ethylene, and the tomato over-ripens. Therefore, basic knowledge of the precise mechanism by which plants control the response to ethylene gas will lead to better ways to control these processes in crop plants."


Other researches on the study were Shao-shan Carol Huang, Robert J. Schmitz and Mark A. Urich, from the Salk Institute; and Zhouxin Shen and Steven P. Briggs of the University of California, San Diego.

The work was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

About the Salk Institute for Biological Studies:

The Salk Institute for Biological Studies is one of the world's preeminent basic research institutions, where internationally renowned faculty probe fundamental life science questions in a unique, collaborative, and creative environment. Focused both on discovery and on mentoring future generations of researchers, Salk scientists make groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of cancer, aging, Alzheimer's, diabetes and infectious diseases by studying neuroscience, genetics, cell and plant biology, and related disciplines.

Faculty achievements have been recognized with numerous honors, including Nobel Prizes and memberships in the National Academy of Sciences. Founded in 1960 by polio vaccine pioneer Jonas Salk, M.D., the Institute is an independent nonprofit organization and architectural landmark.

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Discovery may help protect crops from stressors [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-Aug-2012
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Contact: Andy Hoang
Salk Institute

Salk findings of a key genetic mechanism in plant hormone signaling may help save crops from stress and help address human hunger

LA JOLLA, CA----Scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies have discovered a key genetic switch by which plants control their response to ethylene gas, a natural plant hormone best known for its ability to ripen fruit, but which, under stress conditions, can cause wilted leaves, premature aging and spoilage from over-ripening. The findings, published August 30 in Science magazine, may hold the key to manipulating plants' ethylene on/off switch, allowing them to balance between drought resistance and growth and, therefore, decrease crop losses from drought conditions.

"In different stress conditions----flooding, drought, chilling, wounding or pathogen attack----ethylene tells plants to make adjustments to these adverse changes," says senior study author Joseph Ecker, a professor in Salk's Plant Biology Laboratory and Howard Hughes Medical Institute-Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation investigator. "Our study discovered a key step in how plants 'smell' ethylene gas, which may lead to better ways to control these processes in crop plants."

Plants sense----or smell----ethylene, which triggers a cascade of events in their cells. Ethylene sensors in the cells send a signal to the nucleus, the cells' central DNA-containing compartment, which initiates genetic programs so the plant can make changes according to the conditions it faces. Scientists, including Ecker and his team, have identified the functions of a number of key regulators in the ethylene signaling pathway, including the protein EIN2 (ethylene insensitive 2).

The EIN2 protein is located in the endoplasmic reticulum, the part of the cell that facilitates the transport of proteins within the cell, and plays an essential role in ethylene signaling. The protein's function, however, remains enigmatic. Through a variety of sophisticated tests, Ecker's team uncovered a mechanism by which EIN2 protein processing in the endoplasmic reticulum and movement of signaling molecules into the nucleus are required to activate the ethylene response.

Understanding the mechanism may lead to new methods to help plants thrive in tough conditions. Stress conditions trigger various negative responses in plants, including wilted and rolled leaves, premature leaf senescence (aging), reduced photosynthetic efficiency, loss of chlorophyll, poor pollination, and flower, fruit and seed loss.

The most severe drought in 25 years is impacting crops across the United States, with the potential to wipe out farmers' incomes and raise food prices. Plant researchers are studying stress conditions in order to improve crop production, which has become more urgent as farmers around the world face climate issues such as drought and extreme temperatures. Curbing crops' susceptibility to certain stressors could allow for higher yields during droughts and possibly allow drier climates to support profitable crops and feed the world's growing population.

"Growers can opt to spray their plants with an ethylene inhibitor," says Hong Qiao, a postdoctoral researcher in Ecker's laboratory and first author of the paper. "This blocks the plant's ethylene receptors from smelling ethylene, which has an effect on growth. Without the ethylene response pathway, a tomato would never ripen. Too much ethylene, and the tomato over-ripens. Therefore, basic knowledge of the precise mechanism by which plants control the response to ethylene gas will lead to better ways to control these processes in crop plants."


Other researches on the study were Shao-shan Carol Huang, Robert J. Schmitz and Mark A. Urich, from the Salk Institute; and Zhouxin Shen and Steven P. Briggs of the University of California, San Diego.

The work was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

About the Salk Institute for Biological Studies:

The Salk Institute for Biological Studies is one of the world's preeminent basic research institutions, where internationally renowned faculty probe fundamental life science questions in a unique, collaborative, and creative environment. Focused both on discovery and on mentoring future generations of researchers, Salk scientists make groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of cancer, aging, Alzheimer's, diabetes and infectious diseases by studying neuroscience, genetics, cell and plant biology, and related disciplines.

Faculty achievements have been recognized with numerous honors, including Nobel Prizes and memberships in the National Academy of Sciences. Founded in 1960 by polio vaccine pioneer Jonas Salk, M.D., the Institute is an independent nonprofit organization and architectural landmark.

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Here Comes Honey Boo Boo Sets Ratings Record, Defeats Republican National Convention

Here's an idea: perhaps Honey Boo Boo should have spoken at the Republican National Convention.

No way she'd do a worse job than Clint Eastwood.

Ratings for Here Comes Honey Boo Boo on TLC reached a series high on Wednesday, increasing a whopping 30 percent from the previous edition's record-setter, as three million households tuned in to watch Honey Boo Boo and her family go to a waterpark.

Honey Boo Boo Photo

Based on the initial Nielson report, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo earned a a 1.3 rating among adults 18-49, narrowly edging coverage of the RNC on Fox News: it could only muster a 1.2 in that same time period.

What makes her show so popular, aside from the fact that it rarely mentions boring issues such as tax rates and avoids the controversy of "legitimate rape?" Said June Shannon to Ryan Seacrest:

"Our fan base tells us that when they have a bad day they can be able to watch our show and be able to get a good laugh; I honestly laugh at the show too because it is kind of funny, because we know we have fun filming it. It's just all about having fun making memories."


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

cfarivar: AP: Texas Voter ID Law Is Rejected by Federal Court

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Mont. rancher shoots bear that breaks into house

(AP) ? A Montana rancher shot and killed a black bear that broke into his house along the Rocky Mountain Front and raided the pantry.

Lane Yeager told the Great Falls Tribune ( ) he returned home near Choteau at about 9 p.m. Monday when he saw a bear run in front of him as he went to turn on the lights.

The bear broke through a screen and entered an open window, wrecked a Lazy Susan and tore off a door to get to the trash. It also ate peanut butter and flour.

Fish, Wildlife and Parks grizzly bear management specialist Mike Madel says the bear had probably been in the house for an hour.

Madel says Yeager had the right to shoot the bear to protect himself and his property.


Information from: Great Falls Tribune,


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Cars, Trucks, And Other Vehicles Insured Easily And Affordably With ...

You might get a headache when buying auto insurance. Purchasing car insurance isn?t rocket science; however, you do need to do some research and know what your needs really are so that you get the coverage you need. These tips will help you match car to policy in no time flat.

TIP! Try speaking to people from local body shops about the insurance policies that are best. Because body shop employees are required to work with insurance adjusters on a regular basis, they often are often well informed.

You might be able to save on auto insurance by obtaining a bundled insurance package. Keep your eyes open for these bundle deals, so you can insure everything you own on one policy, making it cheaper and easier handle. However, you should double check to make sure that you are getting the appropriate coverage at the best possible price. Occasionally, holding onto two separate insurance policies is the best option.

Consider the value of aftermarket parts to your car with regards to what your insurance will pay for them. Often, the company will only cover the value added to the entire car, not the actual cost of the additions.

TIP! There is one simple and somewhat surprising way for young men under 25 to see significant savings on their insurance: get married. Some people have stated they ended up saving as much as almost 40% on insurance premiums, just by getting married.

If you?re involved with professional organizations, there are times you can great discounts on auto insurance. If you hold membership with a professional organization, you may be able to receive discounts on your car insurance.

Always get more than one quote, and get quotes from more than two sources when you are shopping around for auto coverage. It is quite surprising just how much variance there is when it comes to this product. To make sure that you are not spending too much on your insurance, you will want to shop around for new quotes at least one time ever year. When you compare quotes, also compare the levels of coverage the policy offers.

TIP! To keep your auto insurance costs at a minimum, don?t include drivers on your policy that won?t actually be driving your cars. If someone doesn?t use your car and is on the insurance policy, remove them.

Spend some time with your agent reviewing the specifics of your coverage before you add expensive personalization to your car. The retail value of aftermarket rims might be $1000, but if they don?t actually add $1000 to your car?s overall value, then it could have negative insurance consequences.

In most states you are required to have a liability insurance in order to get your car on the road. You need to know what is required by your state, and what the minimum coverage is that you need. If you?re not insured or are under-insured and have an accident, you could suffer through a serious financial outcome. In addition, you could be charged with breaking the law.

Auto Insurance

As you can see, there is a lot more to auto insurance than most people think. It requires a lot of research and common sense, but it will be worth it in the end to help protect the life of your vehicle. The above tips will help you choose a suitable auto insurance

Cars, Trucks, And Other Vehicles Insured Easily And Affordably With These Tips


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Meet The Galaxy Note II, Samsung?s Most Important Phone Yet

noteThe original Samsung Note was huge -- in both physical size and popularity. Samsung sold over 10 million units of the huge phone, or rather, if you prefer, mini tablet. The Note II is more of the same, really. It sports a much more capable mobile SoC, which should make the Jelly Bean Android build run as smooth as, well, butter. Strangely, the new model features a lower resolution screen than the original, but that likely won't hurt sales. In all, the new Note is like the old Note. Engadget likes what they see so far. That's a good thing. It's still a massive thing, likely too big for some users. But that's fine with Samsung. The Note II shows Samsung's swagger. It might not be the best selling phone in Samsung's lineup, but it's the most important.


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One third less life on planet Earth

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Previous estimates about the total mass of all life on our planet have to be reduced by about one third. This is the result of a study by a German-US science team published in the current online issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS).

According to previous estimates about one thousand billion tons of carbon are stored in living organisms, of which 30% in single-cell microbes in the ocean floor and 55 % reside in land plants. The science team around Dr. Jens Kallmeyer of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and University of Potsdam has now revised this number: Instead of 300 billion tons of carbon there are only about 4 billion tons stored in subseafloor microbes. This reduces the total amount of carbon stored in living organisms by about one third.

Previous estimates were based on drill cores that were taken close to shore or in very nutrient-rich areas. "About half of the world's ocean is extremely nutrient-poor. For the last 10 years it was already suspected that subseafloor biomass was overestimated" explains Dr. Jens Kallmeyer the motivation behind his study. "Unfortunately there were no data to prove it". Therefore Kallmeyer and his colleagues from the University of Potsdam and the University of Rhode Island, USA, collected sediment cores from areas that were far away from any coasts and islands. The six-year work showed that there were up to one hundred thousand times less cells in sediments from open-ocean areas, which are dubbed "deserts of the sea" due to their extreme nutrient depletion, than in coastal sediments.

With these new data the scientists recalculated the total biomass in marine sediments and found these new, drastically lower values.

Despite of the high logistic and financial efforts for marine drilling operations there are more data of the abundance of living biomass in the sea floor than of their abundance on land. "Our new results show the need to re-examine the other numbers as e.g. the amount of carbon in deep sediments on land," Jens Kallmeyer states. In particular the research into the "Deep Biosphere" is still in the fledgling stages; this is life that can be found in kilometer's depth inside the Earth's crust.The new findings contribute to a better picture of the distribution of living biomass on Earth.


Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres:

Thanks to Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres for this article.

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SF archbishop-elect apologizes for DUI arrest

FILE - In this file photo from Friday July 27, 2012, newly appointed Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, center, speaks with other members of the church during a press conference held at St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco. Cordileone, the Roman Catholic archbishop-elect of San Francisco, has been arrested for investigation of driving under the influence early Saturday morning in San Diego, says a police spokesman. In July, Pope Benedict XVI selected the Cordileone to replace Archbishop George Niederauer, who is retiring in October. Cordileone was most recently bishop of Oakland and several years ago was an auxiliary bishop in San Diego. (AP Photo/Michael Short, File)

FILE - In this file photo from Friday July 27, 2012, newly appointed Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, center, speaks with other members of the church during a press conference held at St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco. Cordileone, the Roman Catholic archbishop-elect of San Francisco, has been arrested for investigation of driving under the influence early Saturday morning in San Diego, says a police spokesman. In July, Pope Benedict XVI selected the Cordileone to replace Archbishop George Niederauer, who is retiring in October. Cordileone was most recently bishop of Oakland and several years ago was an auxiliary bishop in San Diego. (AP Photo/Michael Short, File)

SAN DIEGO (AP) ? The Roman Catholic archbishop-elect of San Francisco has apologized for his arrest on suspicion of drunken driving, behavior that he said brought "shame" and "disgrace" on himself and the church, though legal experts said was unlikely to derail his promotion.

The Rev. Salvatore Cordileone said in a statement issued Monday by his office that he was driving home from a dinner with friends in San Diego with his mother and a visiting priest friend early Saturday when he was pulled over at a DUI checkpoint near San Diego State University.

The statement said a sobriety test showed his blood-alcohol level to be above the legal limit, although Cordileone did not reveal by how much.

"I apologize for my error in judgment and feel shame for the disgrace I have brought upon the Church and myself," he said. "I pray that God, in His inscrutable wisdom, will bring some good out of this."

Cordileone, 56, currently serves as bishop of Oakland and is scheduled to be installed as San Francisco archbishop on Oct. 4, five days before his first court date.

Pope Benedict XVI selected him last month to replace Archbishop George Niederauer, who is retiring in October.

Cordileone was stopped around 12:30 a.m. on the outskirts of the campus, a residential area of modest houses, apartment buildings and restaurants where college students mix with the general population.

The archbishop-elect was booked into San Diego County jail two hours later then released at 11:59 a.m. Saturday on $2,500 bond, sheriff's records show. The San Diego city attorney's office, which prosecutes misdemeanor DUI offenses, said it had not received a report on the arrest.

Cordileone took a breath test that confirmed his blood alcohol content exceeded California's legal limit of 0.08 percent, said Officer Mark McCullough, who declined to say by how much.

"He was a driver that was obviously impaired but he was quite cordial and polite throughout," said McCullough, who was at the scene. "He was not a belligerent drunk at all ... There were no problems with him throughout the night.

Cordileone, one of 11 people arrested at the checkpoint that night, identified himself as a priest, said McCullough. An officer did an Internet search and learned he was archbishop-elect.

Canon law experts said a criminal charge would not automatically prompt a delay in Cordileone's installation as archbishop, which is scheduled to take place at St. Mary's Cathedral on Oct. 4, the feast day of San Francisco's patron saint, St. Francis of Assisi.

Because Catholic bishops are answerable only to the pope, any potential discipline would have to come from the Vatican, said Michael Ritty, a canon lawyer in private practice in upstate New York.

"If there was anything, it would be handled in Rome, most likely by the Congregation for Bishops. Depending on the question or type of criminal charge, it might go directly to the pope or as directly as you can get," Ritty said.

Cordileone is a native of San Diego, where he was ordained as a priest in 1982. He has been bishop of Oakland for a little more than three years, and before that, he served as an auxiliary bishop in San Diego.

The Rev. Thomas Reese, a senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University, predicted that Cordileone's arrest, while embarrassing, would only draw a response from Rome if it appeared he had a serious substance abuse problem that prevented him from carrying out the archbishop duties.

"The bottom line is there is no real requirement that he resign," Reese said. "If he is an out-of-control alcoholic who can't function, that would be an issue, but obviously he has been the bishop of Oakland all these years and he seems to be able to function. Nobody knows if he has a drinking problem or was one fraction over the (blood alcohol) limit."

Noting that forgiveness is an integral part of the Catholic faith, Reese recalled the 1985 DUI arrest of the late Minneapolis-St. Paul Archbishop John Roach, who pleaded guilty and served two days in jail but remained popular in the post for another decade.

Cordileone will have to "explain this to people, and depending on what he does and how it's perceived, we'll see how it goes" he said. "It could make him more human."

While serving in San Diego four years ago, Cordileone was instrumental in devising an initiative to strip same-sex couples of the right to wed in California. He was part of a statewide network of clergy that promoted the measure, known as Proposition 8. Campaign finance records show he personally gave at least $6,000 to back the voter-approved ban.

Since last year, Cordileone has been chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage.

At a news conference last month, he said he thought the Roman Catholic Church had come a long way in addressing the issue of clergy sex abuse and reiterated his opposition to gay marriage.

"Marriage can only come about through the embrace of a man and a woman coming together," he said. "I don't see how that is discriminatory against anyone."

The archdiocese serves more than 400,000 Catholics in the city of San Francisco and Marin and San Mateo counties. In the post, Cordileone would oversee the bishops in Honolulu, Las Vegas, Oakland, Reno, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San Jose, Santa Rosa and Stockton.


Leff reported from San Francisco.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Video out enabled on Windows Phone 7, just not for you

Video out enabled on Windows Phone 7, just not for you

The video out feature in Windows Phone 7 is reserved for select Microsoft employees, and now one enterprising member of the XDA Developers forum. With certain files ripped from an LG Panther 7003 ROM, the help of someone on the inside and many months of work, forum member marsrogers succeeded in pushing video from his Samsung Focus to a companion PC app. Don't get too excited though -- this particular trick will not be released to the masses so the MS confidant involved is not exposed. However, it's not all bad news, as marsrogers' source reports that Windows Phone 8 will have remote desktop capability straight out of the box. Sadly, for those of you carrying around current-gen WP devices, there's still no hope.

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Video out enabled on Windows Phone 7, just not for you originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 27 Aug 2012 21:04:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Breast Cancer Drug May Ease Prostate Cancer Side Effects ...

CREDIT: Doctor?s visit via Shutterstock

Men undergoing prostate cancer treatment commonly suffer side effects such as the growth of breast tissue or breast pain, but the breast-cancer drug tamoxifen may reduce the risk of these effects, a new review says.

Researchers looked at four studies of men with prostate cancer, and found that men whose treatments were supplemented with tamoxifen?were less likely to have breast enlargement and breast pain than those not taking the drug.

For instance, six months after starting treatment, men who took tamoxifen were 10 percent less likely to have breast enlargement and 6 percent less likely to have breast pain compared with patients not receiving the drug, which counteracts the effects of estrogen on breast tissue.

Tamoxifen prevented these side effects about 20 percent better than other treatments, such as the drug anastrozole, which counteracts estrogen?s effects in a different way, the researchers found.

The growth of breast tissue and breast pain has been cited as reasons why men stop their prostate cancer treatments, according to the study.

?If men know that there is a successful option for reducing the breast symptoms associated with treatment for prostate cancer, they may be more likely to see their doctor when symptoms of cancer first appear, and consequently reduce the number of unnecessary deaths,? said lead study author Dr. Frank Kunath, of the University Clinic Erlangen in Germany.

Because testosterone can encourage prostate cancer?growth, some treatments are aimed at suppressing testosterone production. As the body tries to produce even more testosterone to counter the drop, some of this testosterone is converted to estrogen, which causes breasttissue to develop and can lead to pain.

?When asking a patient to comply with a regime, you have to think about what the side effects are, and if they will drive a person to stop medication,? said Dr. Freya Schnabel, professor and breast surgeon at New York University?s Langone Medical Center, who was not involved in the study.

However, Schnabel said, the new review did not include data on how many men consider stopping or actually stop treatment because of these side effects. She added that truly calculating the negative impact of breast growth or breast pain was difficult.

It is logical that tamoxifen could reduce the effects of the estrogen produced during prostate cancer treatment, Schnabel said, though she cautioned that the researchers reviewed only four studies, and further research is needed.

?They?re clearly not advocating that every man taking these medications should go on tamoxifen,? she said, but the research suggests that taking the drug ?may ameliorate their symptoms.?

The study was published today (Aug. 27) in the journal BMC Medicine.

Pass it on: Men suffering from breast problems after prostate cancer treatment may find relief in the breast-cancer drug tamoxifen.

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Health & Fitness: Self Improvement

Confidence is one thing that enables a person to develop ways on how to keep his or her self motivated at all times despite challenging times and without direct help from other people. Experts say that being confident is a very important factor in a person?s life because this will help him or her see things in a positive way. This will also enable him or her to overcome challenges by developing an attitude that could withstand trials, failures, and even shyness.

If one is able to build self-confidence, he or she will soon develop a good outlook in life and will enable that person to think that everything will start falling into their proper places. In fact, he or she might even be surprised of the things that were able to accomplished in that span of time.

If you are one of those who have just realized the importance of confidence in dealing with shyness and you would want to start but just don?t know how, here are some of the things that can help you:

1. Start with self-reassessment. Many people think that they know themselves already that is why they decline to do self-assessment regularly. Experts say that these people don?t realize that the more that they decline doing self-reassessment, the more that they get stuck to their own routine which leaves them lesser room for improvement. If you want to start with constant self-motivation, it is best that you know yourself very well. If you know yourself well, you will know your weaknesses as well as your strengths. Once you were able to identify all of these, it will be easier for you to set goals for yourself that are within your reach and your capabilities. Knowing one?s self will also enable you to take note of your weaknesses and find ways on how to overcome, manage, and deal with them. The same works for your strengths because you might even find a way on how to improve them. If you are able to do this, you can build self confidence and will enable you to overcome shyness in the long run.

2. Start with small and simple goals. Don?t put too much pressure on yourself. If you are just starting with building self-esteem too overcome shyness, it will be best if you start small and simple so you won?t feel defeat when you weren?t able to meet the standards you have set for yourself. If you start with small and simple things, you are giving yourself the chance to accomplish bigger things ahead.

3. Keep track of your progress. Monitoring how well or bad you are doing in overcoming shyness will help you maneuver things and will help you find ways that would best work for you. For a person who is just starting with his or her overcoming shyness, it is best to keep track of how you are doing so you will know where are the areas that you should improve on. You can do this by keeping a diary about how your day went and writing the things that still make you feel shy towards others and also the things that you are not confident with.

Related posts:

  1. Helping Your Child Fight Shyness
  2. How Self-Motivation can Create a Positive Impact on Your Life
  3. Battling With Shyness


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Anna Faris & Chris Pratt Welcome Son Jack

Anna Faris & Chris Pratt Welcome Son Jack

“Dictator” actress Anna Faris has given birth to her first child. Faris and her husband Chris Pratt welcomed their son Jack into the world on [...]

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Tropical Storm Isaac Grounds Hundreds Of Flights In Miami, Ft. Lauderdale

  • Heather Boss, right, and Brittney Lambert, both of Oklahoma, have fun in a flooded street due to heavy rains in Key West, Fla., Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012 as heavy storm winds and rain hit the northern coast. Rain bands from Tropical Storm Isaac are expected to continue streaming across Marion County Monday as the ninth named storm of the 2012 hurricane season continues toward the northern Gulf of Mexico. National Weather Service officials in Jacksonville on Sunday said Marion County began getting rain bands from Isaac around 2 p.m. and that the rain would continue through Tuesday. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

  • Victoria Balladares and boyfriend Jose Requejo experience the rain at Miami Beach as Tropical Storm Isaac hits the area on Sunday, Aug., 26, 2012, in Miami. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Carl Juste)

  • Anton Snitgen, Jenna Curl, Jackie Curl and Michael Manemut run along a dock at Key West Bight Marina in Key West, Fla., as Tropical Storm Isaac hits the area on Sunday, Aug., 26, 2012. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Walter Michot)

  • A man walks on the beach in Key West, Fla., Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012 as heavy winds hit the northern coast from Tropical Storm Isaac. Isaac is expected to continue streaming across Marion County Monday as it continues toward the northern Gulf of Mexico. National Weather Service officials in Jacksonville on Sunday said Marion County began getting rain bands from Isaac around 2 p.m. and that the rain would continue through Tuesday. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

  • A person braves the rain at Clarence Higgs Beach in Key West, Fla., as Tropical Storm Isaac hits the area on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Walter Michot)

  • Folko Weltzien, 38, kite surfs as high winds from Hurricane Isaac gusts on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, in Miami. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Carl Juste)

  • Heavy storm clouds hover over the skyline of downtown Miami as Tropical Storm Isaac's weather bands reach the Miami area aon Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Carl Juste)

  • Trees down in Midtown Miami.

  • A cyclist rides his bike in Key West, Fla., Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Tropical Storm Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

  • A person walks by a sign warning about Hurricane Isaac, in Key West, Fla., Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (Alan Diaz)

  • Shira Edllan Gervasi, of Israel, puts her name on plywood protecting a storefront in Key West, Fla., in anticipation of Tropical Storm Isaac on Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

  • Isaac Bears Down On Florida Keys

    MARATHON, FL - AUGUST 26: A man rides his bike along Overseas Highway as Tropical Storm Isaac begins to move toward the Florida Keys on August 26, 2012 in Islamorada, Florida. According to reports, Isaac has become stronger as it moves toward the Florida Keys and forecasters say it could strengthen into a Category 2 storm. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Isaac Bears Down On Florida Keys

    MARATHON, FL - AUGUST 26: People ride bikes as as Tropical Storm Isaac begins to move ashore on August 26, 2012 in Marathon, Florida. According to reports, Isaac has become stronger as it moves toward the Florida Keys and forecasters say it could strengthen into a Category 2 storm. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: Arthur Asti installs storm shutters on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: Two girls enter a K-Mart store on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Craig Jones, left, and Kimberly Branson secure their boat in Key West, Fla., Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012 in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac. Tropical Storm Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (Alan Diaz)

  • The southernmost point marker is covered in plastic sheeting in Key West, Fla., Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012, in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

  • Richie Moretti, left, and Bette Zirkelback release a kemps ridley turtle into an indoor tank in Marathon, Fla., Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012 . The turtles were moved from outside tanks to safer indoor tanks for protection in anticipation of Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (Alan Diaz)

  • Dale Shelton waits to be taken to a shelter in Key West, Fla., Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012, as he prepares for the arrival of Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

  • A houseboat is towed in the middle keys as the Florida Keys prepare for Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug 25, 2012. Florida Gov. Rick Scott had declared a state of emergency and a hurricane warning has been issued for the Florida Keys, as officials warn tourists to leave. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Walter Michot)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: Cars leave the Lower Keys on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Vehicles wait in line for gasoline at the Sam's Club gas station in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., Saturday August 25, 2012 in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac which is forecasted to make landfall in the Florida Panhandle as a hurricane on Tuesday. (AP Photo/Northwest Florida Daily News, Nick Tomecek)

  • Harley Rojas dismantles the tarp next to his mobile home at the Sunshine Key RV Resort as the Florida Keys prepare for Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug 25, 2012. Florida Gov. Rick Scott had declared a state of emergency and a hurricane warning has been issued for the Florida Keys, as officials warn tourists to leave. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Walter Michot)

  • Kerol Obando and her son Andres exit a Publix grocery store in Tavernier, Fla., as the Florida Keys prepare for Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug 25, 2012. Florida Gov. Rick Scott had declared a state of emergency and a hurricane warning has been issued for the Florida Keys, as officials warn tourists to leave. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Walter Michot)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    MARATHON, FL - AUGUST 25: A man windsurfs on August 25, 2012 in Marathon, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: A sign is posted on the wall of a bar on Duval Street on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: Cars leave the Lower Keys on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Connie Rivero and her son Anthony Amador fill plastic bags with sand at the Hollywood Public Works Department as they prepare for possible floods from Tropical Storm Isaac on Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012, in Hollywood, Fla. Isaac was expected to pass over the Florida Keys as a hurricane late Sunday or early Monday. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Al Diaz) MAGS OUT

  • Most of the bottled water at Wal-Mart in Fort Walton Beach, Fla. was purchased by noon on Saturday August 25, 2012 in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac which is forecasted to make landfall in the Florida Panhandle as a hurricane on Tuesday. (AP Photo/Northwest Florida Daily News, Nick Tomecek)

  • Lowes employees, Robert Tucker, right, and John Lucenti, left, load plywood for Terry King, back, and Ofelia Murphy at Lowes in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., Saturday August 25, 2012. Murphy said they needed some plywood to cover their windows in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac which is forecasted to make landfall in the Florida Panhandle as a hurricane on Tuesday. (AP Photo/Northwest Florida Daily News, Nick Tomecek)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: Tourists take in the sites on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: A woman walks thru Malory Square on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Yoni Haim, left, and Jessica Yeshalek board their storefront as they prepare for Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    ISLAMORADA, FL - AUGUST 25: A man secures his boat as the Florida Keys are under a Hurricane Warning as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks North on August 25, 2012 in Islamorada, Florida. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    MARATHON, FL - AUGUST 25: People enter a store whie the Florida Keys are under a Hurricane Warning as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks North on August 25, 2012 in Marathon, Florida. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: A worker clears a power line on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    MARATHON, FL - AUGUST 25: A man installs shutters over a restaurant while the Florida Keys are under a Hurricane Warning as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks Northwest on August 25, 2012 in Marathon, Florida. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Tampa Prepares For Republican National Convention And Potential Hurricane

    CLEARWATER, FL - AUGUST 25: Alex Guilbaud runs with a skimboard as storm clouds build offshore on August 25, 2012 in Clearwater, Florida. Tampa area residents wait for Tropical Storm Isaac as they prepare for the Repulican National Convention which will be held in Tampa during the week of August 27th. (Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images)

  • Tampa Prepares For Republican National Convention And Potential Hurricane

    TAMPA, FL - AUGUST 25: Lee Bittner buys a generator and a bottle of water at Home Depot on August 25, 2012 in Tampa, Florida. Area residents are preparing for Tropical Storm Isaac just before the Repulican National Convention which will be held at the Tampa Bay Times Forum during the week of August 27th. The Tropical Storm might become a hurricane by the time it hits ground. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

  • Cheri Senecal walks with a bag of personal items to a shelter in Key West, Fla., Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012 as she prepares for Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

  • Isaac Bears Down On Florida Keys

    MARATHON, FL - AUGUST 26: A man tends to his boat as Tropical Storm Isaac begins to move toward the Florida Keys on August 26, 2012 in Islamorada, Florida. According to reports, Isaac has become stronger as it moves toward the Florida Keys and forecasters say it could strengthen into a Category 2 storm. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: Two men install storm shutters on Duval Street on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • A message warns drivers of severe weather on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, in Miami. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Hector Gabino)

  • In this photo provided by Florida Power & Light Company, line specialist Dustin Pezet works to restore power as Tropical Storm Isaac strikes in Miami on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/Florida Power & Light Company, David Adame)

  • Tampa Prepares For Republican National Convention And Potential Hurricane

    TAMPA, FL - AUGUST 26: Republican Rachel Bolch Thach walks along a rainy beach on August 26, 2012 in Tampa, Florida. Tampa is preparing for the start of the Republican National Convention at the Tampa Bay Times Forum. The RNC is scheduled to convene on August 27 and will hold its first session on August 28 as Tropical Storm Isaac threatens disruptions due to its proximity to the Florida peninsula. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

  • Isaac Bears Down On Florida Keys

    MARATHON, FL - AUGUST 26: People stand near downed branches as Tropical Storm Isaac begins to move ashore on August 26, 2012 in Marathon, Florida. According to reports, Isaac has become stronger as it moves toward the Florida Keys and forecasters say it could strengthen into a Category 2 storm. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Source:

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    Persian Rugs at the speed of knots! ? What Ever It Is

    It could be suggested that the most famous of floor coverings are Persian rugs and Persian rugs- since their recognition in the interior design world ? have been created in some of the most beautiful, amazing designs.
    Divided into two main sections, Persian rugs are distinguishable by a unique border of one design and combination of colours and an inner- section that usually offsets the outer section by being of a clashing colour and design ensemble. Not for the feint- hearted homeowner, Persian rugs are by no means minimalistic or sleek and are more at home in chinch as opposed to futuristic!
    Indeed, Persian rugs can only really ?work? in certain rooms. Some Persian Rugs are geometrically designed; somewhat repetitive which makes them ideal for office spaces whilst other Persian rugs feature plants, flowers, animals and other natural elements which would enhance either a conservatory or living area.
    But never judge a book by its? cover! Not to be pigeon- holed as one- dimensional standard soft furnishings, Persian rugs- whilst undeniably beautiful ? are also steeped in traditional values and culture.
    If you take a good look at Persian rugs, you will notice that they all feature ?central medallions? and no central medallion is the same as another. The central medallions positioned on Persian rugs are usually spiritual and symbolic of faith; the inspiration for which comes from the domes of the Mosques.
    Not dissimilar in creation, Persian rugs are made by hand using a knotting technique that is unique to all forms of oriental rugs. Incredibly, some of the best quality Persian rugs may contain in excess of 50 knots per square cm whilst low to average Persian rugs contain approximately 30 knots. Knotting, to produce Persian rugs is an arduous, time consuming task and with craftsmen knotting on average 10,000 knots per day, should not be left unrecognised for the skill and workmanship that goes into handcrafting Persian rugs for the worldwide consumer.
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    Small Businesses Find Success With Credit Union Backing

    The owners of these businesses share a smart business practice: They all turned their dreams into reality with the help of credit union member business loans.

    Funding dreams

    Keith and Debbie Haden, owners of All American Swim Supply, Florence, Ala., understand the importance of funding dreams.

    That's why All American sponsors swimmer Bryan Lundquist, a five-time All-American who holds the U.S. record for the 50-meter butterfly and was a serious contender in the 2012 U.S. Olympic trials.

    Keith can relate to Lundquist and other competitors because he attended college on a swimming scholarship. Now he relishes the opportunity to continue working with the sport he loves by supplying swimming and aquatic-related merchandise at five stores and an e-commerce site.

    "It's a business that's very well suited to what I know best," Keith says. "It's easy to be successful in the business when you have a passion for it."

    Despite Keith's expertise, five banks turned down his applications for start-up loans before Listerhill Credit Union , Muscle Shoals, Ala., provided a loan to launch the business in March 2006.

    "They made it happen for us," Debbie says. The company continues to rely on Listerhill for checking, loans, and other services.

    These business owners turned their dreams into reality with the help of credit union business loans.

    All American Swim Supply now has approximately 40 employees and has made Inc. Magazine's "Inc. 5000" list of the country's fastest-growing businesses since 2009. The Hadens credit their success to a commitment to customer service provided by great employees who are their second family.

    "Despite a down economy, our business has thrived and grown," Keith says. "It can be done."

    Creating a franchise

    K-9 Resorts, Fanwood, N.J., tries to make the customer experience the best it can be for both its four-legged customers and their two-legged owners.

    Jason Parker, president and co-founder, says special measures taken to satisfy its cage-free boarding and doggy daycare customers include:

    • Installing floors made of materials that kill bacteria and odors
    • Using hospital-grade disinfectant to clean facilities
    • Recycling the air every two to three minutes

    Launched in 2005, K-9 Resorts has grown 15% in each of the past three years. The company began selling franchise licenses for new K-9 Resort locations to other aspiring business operators in 2011 and named Financial Resources Federal Credit Union, Bridgewater, N.J., as a preferred franchise lender.

    "Even through the recession our numbers have continued to grow," Jason says. "So far we've sold three franchises, with the first one scheduled to open in late 2012 in Middletown, N.J."

    These business owners turned their dreams into reality with the help of credit union business loans.

    Jason says offering franchising opportunities allows other business owners to share in K-9's success, including the ability to establish a relationship with a credit union lender.

    Increasing opportunities

    Bob Becker, president of Becker Contracting Inc., St. Louis, believes in creating long-term relationships with the general contractors who use demolition services from his 28-year-old company, also known as "Becker the Wrecker."

    "We've never gotten bad feedback," Becker says. "It's about how we go about taking care of things. If something goes wrong, I assume its 100% our responsibility and work our way back from there."

    Becker has a second business that buys homes to remodel and then resell. He discovered he could reduce his interest rate on real estate purchases by more than three percentage points when he went to West Community Credit Union, O'Fallon, Mo. He first borrowed money there 36 years earlier to buy his wife's wedding ring. A positive reception by business lenders at West Community prompted Becker to move all his business and personal accounts there.

    "The people who manage and make the decisions at credit unions understand the local community," Becker says. "They're helping keep small businesses alive."

    Becker's businesses had a rough year in 2008, when the recession drained demand for demolition and a flood swamped his office, destroying trucks, tools, and computers. He credits the credit union with providing the stability required to steadily rebuild the businesses as the economy began to rebound.

    Funding was difficult to find?15 banks said no to applications for loans to buy a building and launch the program.

    "My opportunities are increasing," Becker says. "It's not by leaps and bounds, but it's significant."

    A family focus

    The Frescas family grew up understanding the value of providing exceptional care for children. The mother, Graciela, had a long waiting list among parents who wanted their children to experience her in-home daycare in El Paso, Texas.

    When father, Jose, was disabled by a work-related injury, the family decided to launch Grammies Daycare & Learning Center? named for Graciela?to offer care to more children.

    The proposal for a commercial daycare center was designed to take advantage of the skills of the next generation of Frescas caregivers: Nick, Divina, and Tobias, who among them had degrees in early childhood development, education, and psychology.

    "We had experience in daycare, we had backgrounds in education, our mom had developed the reputation, and we put our heads together and developed the commercial center," says Nick, who now is director of operations.

    But funding was difficult to find, with 15 banks saying no to loan applications to buy a building and launch the program. The Small Business Administration suggested the Frescas family contact a credit union for a loan, making it possible for the family to open its first Grammies Daycare in November 2005 and a second facility in March 2008.

    Grammies' relies on Security Service Federal Credit Union and GECU, both in El Paso, for business loans and financial services.

    Funding was difficult to find?15 banks said no to applications for loans to buy a building and launch the program.

    Nick notes that Grammies Daycare emphasizes learning throughout its curriculum, which includes a prekindergarten program that follows the Texas Education Agency (TEA) standards for kindergarten classrooms. Grammies also offers a Spanish-language enrichment program.

    "That added layer of education is the most important thing we offer," Nick says.

    Sharing the news

    All four business owners have recommended their credit unions to other businesses.

    Bob Becker recently rescued a friend's small business?placed in limbo when a bank arbitrarily canceled its lending and deposit services without notice?by referring his friend to West Community Credit Union.

    "I want a relationship with a financial institution where they know me and, if I need them, they are willing to go that extra step because of who I am," Bob says.

    Callout 3

    "The people who manage and make the decisions at credit unions understand the local community."

    Callout 3

    "The people who manage and make the decisions at credit unions understand the local community." NCUAEqual Housing Opportunity

    ? Home & Family Finance? Resource Center
    ? Copyright ? 1997-2012 - Credit Union National Association Inc.


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    This article clarifies the difference between Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and Credit Counseling. It also gives the reader specific data to aid them determining if Credit Counseling is the fair option for their specific situation.
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    Sunday, August 26, 2012

    The New Roofers New Orleans Designers Hire -

    There are several works to be done while building a perfect house and the key to perfection is the adequate use of things inside as well as outside of a house. We see many houses, buildings, offices in some of the great parts of Los Angeles and wonder if we can also afford something like that. Many of us living in the New Orleans often dream of a big, beautiful home with design unmatched to any other. Some of the features that make the house look different from the others are its doors, the fencing, and the gardens and of course the roof designs. There are hundreds of designs available to decorate our homes with and we can easily hire the experts to work on our roofs and make them a little extra ordinary. The new roofers New Orleans need these days are provided by the some of the very famous companies in the New Orleans. One of them is the Affordable Roofing, Sliding and Gutters. They have been working since over 20 years in this region and the areas nearby too. They are experts in the installation, repair and the maintenance of the roofs of the buildings.

    There are plenty of Roofers new orleans who offers you many types of the roofs, like the metal ones, shingled, PVC, standing seam, slate etc. with thousands of colors and variety and the quality up to the mark. They offer you a free estimate as to what it will cost you to make your house roof tops gorgeous. They also offer several kinds to protect against rain and hails during the seasons. One thing that we can be sure of is that the quality of the products used is the best in the entire region. The experts will make sure that the cost is not too large for the customer and the services are all up to date. The experts promise to provide with the best of the contracts and the best of the services throughout the whole session of the setting up, the maintenance and the repair works that is done in the roofs.

    Reading the reviews provided by the author is one of the best ways to gain necessary information on roof repair new orleans

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    Quotes from AP interview with Obama

    Some quotes of President Barack Obama in an interview with The Associated Press:


    "We aren't where we need to be. Everybody agrees with that. But Gov. Romney's policies would make things worse for middle-class families and offer no prospect for long-term opportunity for those striving to get into the middle class." ? On why a struggling, undecided voter should vote for Obama.


    "I don't really know him well. I think that the big arguments that I have with Gov. Romney have to do with where we take this country forward." ? On whether Obama holds any disdain for Romney.


    "When I look back on 2008, the promises that I made ? I said I'd end the war in Iraq; I did. I said that I'd go after al-Qaida and bin Laden; we did. I said that I'd give middle-class families a tax cut; they're paying on average about $3,600 less than they were when I came into office. I said that I would make sure that every American family has some security when it comes to health insurance; we got it done. ... So we haven't gotten everything done that I promised, but a big chunk of what I said I would do in 2008 we have done." ? On his record of his term in office.


    "... His view of how we grow an economy is just contradicted by the facts. He has embraced an approach that we tried for almost a decade, and it didn't work. And he's now looking to double down on it." ? On what he has learned from Romney's campaign.


    "I can't speak to Gov. Romney's motivations. What I can say is that he has signed up for positions, extreme positions that are very consistent with positions that a number of House Republicans have taken. And whether he actually believes in those or not, I have no doubt that he would carry forward some of the things that he's talked about." ? On what Obama believes Romney stands for.


    "Gov. Romney obviously has achieved extraordinary success with his businesses, and he's obviously very focused on achieving the presidency. He cares deeply about his family, and I think he cares deeply about his faith." ? On Romney's background.


    "The small bits of disclosure that he has put forward indicate investments in the Bahamas, or Swiss bank accounts, that indicates to me a lack of willingness to take responsibility for what this job entails." ? On Romney's disclosure of tax returns.


    "My sense is Gov. Romney is a very capable debater. I think he did a very good job in his primary scoring points. The challenge he may end up having is the fact that some of the core arguments he's making against me just aren't based on facts." ? On Romney's abilities as a debater.


    "...The American people will have voted. They will have cast a decisive view on how we should move the country forward, and I would hope that the Republican Party, after a fulsome debate, would say to itself, we need to listen to the American people." ? On how Obama would try to break a stalemate in a second term.


    "For me to be able to say to the Republicans, the election is over; you no longer need to be focused on trying to beat me ... I'm prepared to make a whole range of compromises, some of which I get criticized from the Democratic Party on, in order to make progress. But we're going to need compromise on your side as well. And the days of viewing compromise as a dirty word need to be over because the American people are tired of it." ? On how Obama would pursue a second-term agenda.


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