Saturday, May 26, 2012

Detailed Information About Autism And Ayurveda Herbs



Autism is regarded as a neurobiological disturbance, where the patient has issues with social relations, messed up verbal and non-verbal interaction and a prototype repetitive behavior with limited and narrow interest. However, the accurate cause for autism is not yet known, but hereditary factor plays a significant role along with environmental aspects, disturbance in the immune system and metabolism.


Behavioral therapy is given by people, who are skilled in many disciplines. They support the treatment of kids suffering from autism.


Autism and ayurveda treatment is based on specific ayurvedic herbs that are used to reduce the disturbing symptoms and enhance cognitive behavior. Herbal drugs can be safely administered for a long time even by kids, so this therapy is particularly advantageous with autistic kids. The brain nerves are treated by regulating the metabolism of the body?s ?Majja? dhatu. The medicines useful for the treatment of autism include Guggulu, Guduchi, Amalaki and Musta.


? ? ? ? ? Guggulu has purifying properties and helps to stabilize the vata and kapha disturbances without aggravating pitta.


? ? ? ? ? Guduchi is taken in a mixture with other herbs. It helps to counterbalance the toxicity of other herbs.


? ? ? ? ? Amalaki removes the excessive heat from the digestive tract, purifies the blood, promotes proper digestion and regulates the bowel movements.


? ? ? ? ? Musta regulates the vata and pitta, soothes the mind, strengthens digestion and well formed stools.


Autism and ayurveda reveals a group of drugs called ?Medhya? that enhances the working aptitude of the brain. The drugs in this category include Mandukparni, Yashtimadhu, Guduchi, Brahmi, Vacha and Shankhpushpi.


? ? ? ? ? Mandukparni is a potent brain food and develops the mind power including all the factors of mental functioning like understanding, memorizing and recollection. Thus, mandukparni nurtures the mind and body connection and develops the psycho neurological response.


? ? ? ? ? Yashtimadhu increases the memory and analytical skills of autistic children.


? ? ? ? ? Brahmi is tridoshnashak and helps to fight the stress and rejuvenates the functioning of the body.


? ? ? ? ? Vacha rasayana helps to reduce the vata dosh and helps the patient to think clearly.


? ? ? ? ? Shankhpushpi is a special brain tonic and increases the intellectual qualities in a child. It is a vital rasayana used in treating mental disorders.


Usually, blending of some drugs is used in treating and controlling autism. In addition to the above drugs Ashwagandha and Shatavari are used routinely. High dosage of herbal medication gives effective results in autism.


Autism and ayurveda also gives massage therapy besides oral medication to autistic kids. The body massage is given with medicated herbal oils and its derivatives. The panchkarma procedures in the Ayurvedic treatment like Nasya, Snehadan and Shirodhara have also been advantageous to all the issues linked with autism not only in kids, but also in adults.


The severity of autism and the inception of symptoms are different from one person to another. So, the ayurvedic treatment is tailored for each autistic patient. Furthermore, autistic kids may react in a different way to herbal medications. Parents must also follow the instructions of the doctor and not treat the child on their own.




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