Monday, December 31, 2012

Could it be that we had a better year in 2012 than we will have in ...

Real Estate has been interesting. ?With all of the systems in place that we have been able to produce for our real estate clients, we know that with regard to buying or selling real estate ? there should be no guessing.

Guessing is for those that have money to burn and out of all of our real estate clients, there is no one I have worked with that is in the position to burn money.

To the question about having a better 2013 than a 2012. ?We know that 2012 was the turn around year for real estate. ?We watched as any excess inventory was scooped up by the investors and owner occupant buyers. ?We also noticed that since November 2011 ? we had been on a price increase ? slow and steady ? for most of the cities in the Santa Clarita Valley ? this was on a continual basis throughout the year.

Btw, concerning whether or not we forsee a better 2013 than a 2012 ? We are going to know in short order how real estate is going to fare when we see how the government is going to deal with two items. ?The debt forgiveness act and it?s renewal. ?The other item that is on the chopping block is the mortgage interest tax deduction. ?If both of those programs are scrapped ? 2012 will indeed have been better than 2013 can possibly be. ?Stay tuned!!! ?Subscribe to our updates in the left margin of this Santa Clarita Realtor Blog.Real Estate sub office at Starbucks in Valencia CA

Some Cities climbed a bit faster than others ? as is expected. ?Stevenson Ranch and Valencia CA always seem to be the cities that climb faster when prices are trending upward. ?Followed by Saugus and Newhall ? then followed by Canyon Country and Castaic. ?However, everything is relative ? when you look at price per square foot pages within our Santa Clarita real estate website.?You will see that we have those numbers figured out and you will also see that those numbers have become inflated when it comes to most of the Santa Clarita Valley Cities. ?Compare the price per square foot with the over all listing prices and you will see that someone somewhere has been over promising and under delivering their Real Estate Sellers.

Another thing that most of the real estate interested want to do is to look at the current real estate prices as they correspond to median sales prices. ?We have a resource that we have built for that within our Santa Clarita real estate arsenal. ?That is MacBoX* friendly and able to be accessed by you typing into the MacBoX the word ?Prices?. ? After you do, you will be taken to a page for Santa Clarita real estate that display?s prices for all of the real estate via Single Family Residences ? all the way back to the height of the market. ?Enjoy that resource.

*MacBoX ? This tool has been developed by The Paris911 Team at REMAX. ?You can type in the words we have built within it to get further information about Santa Clarita real estate topics. ?Mentioned above ? you can type PPSF for price per square foot into it. ?You can also type PRICES ? for the prices of Santa Clarita homes that have sold most recently to establish a pricing trend. I better tell you how to find it ? at our Main Site of within the margin of this blog ? you will see a place to type in some keywords ? this is our MacBoX ? Try it on for size..

Connor and Paris MacIvor are Realtors in Santa Clarita CA with the REMAX of Valencia CA Brokerage.? They realized at the beginning of their real estate career the importance of being able to be there for their clients - 100% of the time. This blog is about Seller Representation and constant real estate market updates by Factual Numbers provided by the independent Research Firm we hired for our Real Estate sellers and buyers.? Enjoy the Data by The Paris911 Team at REMAX of Valencia CA.


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