Sunday, December 23, 2012

Lore - Domestic Animals

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Pig: Twice as large as the pigs from our world, these creatures come in shades of blue with darker hued large stripes on their backs. Their meat is used for cooking, and their hides for leathers. They are herbivores, unlike our pigs and have an affinity for lemons; of all things.


Horse: The same size as the horses from our world, these loyal beasts have a set of antennae protruding from their forehead. Their mane is poofly and curly, as is the fur at the end of their tail. (Which is reminiscent of a lion's tail.) Their fur is detailed with swirls.


Goat: A strange looking beast that's pale yellow in colour and appears to have been covered in ink splots. Their eyes are red, as are the huge curved horns which curl back over their bodies.


Cow: Cattle have a wide range of uses, beside milk, meat and pulling ploughs. Their hides are also used for leather, and their horns for jewelry and other things. Their horns are thick with outwards facing spines,


Sheep: With brown fur and deep green skin, these animals can easily blend into the landscape. They have long tails which are white-tipped at the ends. They're far more intelligent than they appear. They are shorn towards the end of Winnas when their wool is the thickest. ... /Sheep.jpg

Dogs, cats, chickens etc are as per the norm.

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