Saturday, January 12, 2013

On Crawford St.: Food and Drink: Fennel and Orange Salad

The New Year inevitably brings about a long list of resolutions which usually includes, in some shape or form, a desire to eat healthier. Translation: lots of salad! The great thing about making salad is that it doesn?t really require cooking, and generally just means assembly. Salad also gives you the freedom to mix and match ingredients based on what you?re craving. Sometimes, all I want is a bowl full of romaine lettuce and a little vinegar. And sometimes a simple green salad just doesn?t cut it. When I?m in the mood for something that?s a little different, I turn to this Fennel and Orange Salad. The satisfying crunch and licorice flavour of the fennel, the sweetness of the orange, and the salty bite of the olives work nicely with a simple balsamic vinaigrette. This combination of flavours reminds me?of the Mediterranean in the summer. This salad is great as a side dish served with meat or fish. Enjoy! 1 bulb of fennel, washed and thinly sliced
1 orange, peeled and segmented
1/2?cup of pitted black olives
3/4?cup of good olive oil
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste

To start, remove the fennel fronds from the top of the bulb. If you'd like, you can save the fronds?and add them to the salad as a garnish. Next, cut the bulb in half and core. Slice the fennel into thin strips, and place into a bowl.

Peel and segment the orange. You can do this any way you'd like. Add the orange segments and olives to the bowl.

Finally, add the vinegar and olive oil directly to the bowl and toss. Adjust either to your liking, and season with salt and pepper.

Tip: this salad tastes even better if you dress it an hour or so prior to serving.


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