Friday, February 15, 2013

Bill Addressing Unfair VA?s Military Sexual Trauma Standards Introduced

Posted by: Bridgette P. LaVictoire on February 13, 2013.English: Photo of Congresswoman Chellie Pingre...

English: Photo of Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-ME). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Representative Chellie Pingree and Senator Jon Testor have introduced The Ruth Moore Act of 2013. The bill would require the Veterans Administration to fix the ?unfair and broken disability claims system for Military Sexual Trauma survivors?. MST often leads to major psychological problems that can follow survivors for years after the event.

Principle among those who have pushed for this bill has been Service Women?s Action Network or SWAN. According to them the ?VA?s regulations establish an unfair, unjust and cruel claims system for veterans who have suffered from the effects of military sexual violence. Survivors of military sexual assault and sexual harassment are betrayed twice: first by the military who all too often fails to support the victim; and by the VA which has for years systematically rejected MST disability claims based on this unequal and unfair regulation.?

Additionally, ?The bill is named after Ruth Moore, a veteran from Maine who was raped twice after enlisting in the Navy at age 18. Moore reported the attacks, but the attacker was never charged or disciplined. Moore was labeled as suffering from mental illness and discharged from the Navy. She fought the VA for over twenty years before she was finally awarded the veterans benefits she deserved.?

Former Marine Captain Anu Bhagwati, SWAN?s executive director, stated that ?We?re thrilled about the introduction of the Ruth Moore Act. Survivors of military sexual assault and sexual harassment are betrayed twice: first by the military who all too often fails to support the victim; and by the VA which has for years systematically rejected MST disability claims based on this unequal and unfair regulation.?

Ruth Moore said ?I fought for nearly 25 years to get the benefits I was owed. My records were tampered with, I was diagnosed with a mental illness I didn?t have, and my life fell apart. That shouldn?t have to happen to anyone and this bill will make it a little easier for veterans who deserve some compensation.?

Tester stated ?We have a responsibility to meet the needs of all victims of service-related trauma. This legislation is simply a matter of fairness to make sure that survivors of military sexual assault get the support they deserve without having to jump through additional hoops.?

Pingree said ?It?s outrageous that men and women who sign up to defend our country end up being victims of sexual assault in the first place. Then to deny them the help they need to recover is simply unacceptable. It?s very difficult to prove sexual assault within the current system, which makes it just as difficult for veterans who have been victims to qualify for the treatments and benefits they need to recover. It?s a classic case of adding insult to injury.?

Finally, Bhaghwati said ?The VA?s regulations establish an unfair, unjust and cruel claims system for veterans who have suffered from the effects of military sexual violence. The time has come for a fair regulation to be implemented. Our veterans? lives depend on it.?


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