Saturday, February 4, 2012

Breast Cancer Averted: Thermography Before and After Pictures ...

Army of Women at Avon Walk for Breast Cancer 002

As many of you know, a good friend of mine passed away from breast cancer a few weeks ago. Needless to say, breast cancer has been on my mind.

I was chatting with another friend about it recently. My friend, who shall remain nameless (because who wants everyone to see their boobie photos on the internet?), told me she had gone for a thermography session. She said that the first session showed pre-cancerous activity ? or something to that effect (I don?t know the actual terminology she used).

Here are her before and after photos. She also describes what she did to avert breast cancer:

Thermography Before Photo

Thermography Before Photo

In the BEFORE photo, my right breast (would be the left one in the photo) shows feeder blood flow (new vessels formed to feed cancerous cell cluster). Looks like a red and yellow snake weaving across my breast.

I had to have an ultrasound, but fortunately there was no tumor formed yet.

Protocol: Had vitamin D level checked (cellular and serum) and it was in great shape, but doubled my daily cod liver oil and butter oil dosage (Green Pastures).

My hormones were off (spit test). I was estrogen dominant which can cause breast cancer, so I began to apply a topical bio-identical progesterone cream directly to my breasts, 2x daily.

I also tested my iodine level via the patch test transdermally (using Iodine Tincture, paint a 3?3? patch on stomach or thigh. If it stays on 2-3 days iodine levels OK. If it disappears in 1 day or less iodine levels low). Mine was fine so I paint a patch every other week to make sure iodine levels are where they need to be.

The most important part of the protocol according to my doctor (and I have to agree with her) was that I HAD TO DE-STRESS!! NOW!!

My adrenals were flat-lined (spit test) due to exhaustion and stress. So I hired an office manager so I can get a life back. Love it!

My doctor prescribed 5mg DHEA to help, but DHEA and I don?t get along so I supplement with Standard Process Drenamin. (By the way, all other vitamin and mineral levels were normal; no deficiencies).

Thermography After Photo

Thermography After Photo

Three months later my AFTER photos show a dramatic cut-off of the blood flow (feeder vessels) and the blue and green coolness of my breasts and nipples are more in line with normalcy.

I?m keeping up my new supplementation and will have another thermography session in 6 months to continue monitoring the situation, but looks like with my doctor?s help I was able to nip in the bud the possibility of cancer formation.


Oh, and I should mention? My friend who died? She said she thought stress was the number one factor in the development of her breast cancer.

So? it?s Friday. Maybe we should all take the afternoon off and go to a matinee?

How About You?

Have you tried thermography? What has your experience been with it?

What are you doing to reduce stress and prevent breast cancer?

Photo credit: Army of Women at Avon Walk for Breast Cancer 002 by calvinfleming, on Flickr and

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