Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Writing Articles That Convert Readers Into Subscribers

Published by Robertson | February 14, 2012 | | 8

The main goal that you should have with your article marketing campaign is to turn readers into subscribers. Why?? Because subscribers become buyers and this is how you turn your website into a legitimate source of income for yourself.

How do you write articles that turn readers into subscribers?

1.? Your article should do a good job of projecting your expertise on the subject that you are writing about.?? Even if you are an affiliate marketer,? you should be writing articles that show that you know about the subject that your article is about.

If you just regurgitate what everyone else is writing about,? then there is no way to make yourself stand out.? When you stand out,? you make sales.

2.? Don?t write just for the sale.? Now this may sound a little bit counter intuitive,? but your article?s only job is to get the reader to click through to your website with the impression that they are going to receive valuable information.

Writing just for the sale makes you sound like a pushy salesman and nothing more.? And this will quickly turn off ANYONE that is interested in your product or your service.

3.? Make the reader feel comfortable.? In many niches,? it is better to come of as just a regular person that just happens to know a lot about a particular subject,? than it is to project yourself as a GURU.? Many people are weary of people that present themselves in this way.

Writing articles can help you to attract a TON of traffic that will convert and take action with your offers and to sign up on your list of subscribers.

Source: http://www.1directory.net/writing-speaking/writing-articles-that-convert-readers-into-subscribers-4045.html

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