Saturday, September 22, 2012

Introducing Health Promotions 2012/2013 - The Point - UBC REC's ...

Welcome to UBC REC?s Health Promotions team! We are so excited for what we have to offer you this year and we would like to share some of the invigorating programs we have lined up this year!

You may have already heard about Rexercise, but this year our goal is a little bit different. Instead of focusing solely on physical well-being, we are promoting positive mental health, which is just as important. It?s all about de-stressing and having fun with Rexercise this year so that we can all have balanced healthy lifestyles. The best part about this is that it?s free! What?s a better way to escape from your studies and get healthy at the same time?

This year, we intend to play a bigger role within REC and around campus. As we make partnerships with the Health and Wellness Centre, we will bring to you Thrive Week (Nov.5-9). This event includes programs that also promote mental well-being and healthy lifestyles. There will be a variety of activities that cater to all different people?s ideas of what mental health means to them. We will be partnering with the Wellness Centre on other events as well such as Stress for Less and Faculty Fairs, so come check them out! All these events are designed to create a positive atmosphere at the University so that students can enjoy life outside of their studies.

We also hope to have a larger presence at some of REC?s big events this year. Look for us at events such as Day of the Longboat, the Great Trek, and the Tri/Du Expo. There, you might see us showing off our stretching, exercising your minds with perplexing problems, or giving you insider tips on nutrition and other healthy habits.

Even if you can?t come out to our main events, we still have something for you! We are all about accessibility and being inclusive. Come check out this webpage for 5 minute fitness ideas, healthy recipes, and a variety of video blogs with lots of helpful information!

Don?t forget, we also have another Shopping Week in January if you missed out on this one! For one week, all the fitness classes in the studio and the dojo will be free for your enjoyment. You can come see if you like them and then sign up for the class if you do! It?s a great way to meet new people, try new things, and get energized with some physical activity.

Now it?s time to meet the team that?s bringing you all these exciting (and healthy) opportunities! All of us look forward to seeing you around campus learning and staying active. The Health Promotions team will come to you with everything from nutritional advice and stress management tips to fitness activities and video blogs about anything you can ask for! If you have any questions or suggestions, please email us at Below is a little something about each of us.

From left: Kerri Bodin, Vito Chan, Chris Yeung, and Alana See

Hello beautiful people, my name is Elise Bocknek and I am the director of Health Promotions for the 2012/2013 year. I am in 3rd year Kinesiology looking to minor in Cognitive Psychology and never wanting to leave UBC. For fun, I like to sing in the shower, do the chicken dance and make homemade guacamole every couple weeks.

Hey! My name?s Alana See and I?m one of the four fabulous assistant directors for Health Promotions this year. I am a 2nd year Kinesiology student who loves KIN pride and spirit, but my original pride stays in my hometown of Chilliwack. Swimming and running are two of my favorite activities, which allow me to release all that pent up craziness!

My name is Chris Yeung and I am currently a 3rd year LFS student majoring in Food Market Analysis. Being healthy has always been a top priority of mine because of my family and sprinting competitively so I decided to join REC in Health Promo! I?m super stoked for this year and want to meet everyone I can so come up and say hi one of these days!

My name is Kerri Bodin and I am a 3rd year Kinesiology student in the interdisciplinary studies stream. ?This is my second year in REC and I am so excited to be a part of Health Promotions and for the year to come! ?If I were a pizza topping, I would be the cheese because I?m easy-going and get along well with most people! ?I am most looking forward to this year?s Re)(ercise series, as the goal is to promote?positive mental, physical and emotional health and a balanced, healthy lifestyle!

My name is Vito Chan and I am a fourth year Kinesiology student. My responsibility in the HP crew is to provide readers with valuable health and wellness tips through UBC REC?s The Point! My goal this year is to introduce fun exercises that are suitable for all skill levels and require minimal equipment!


See you all soon!


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